Saturday, July 2, 2011

Garlic: What Smells Bad Isn't Always Bad For You

Ladies, have you ever wondered why some people smell like garlic ALL THE TIME? Well, Although they reek (Garlic comes through your pores) Garlic is actually healthier then we all my think. People who eat loads of garlic usually have healthier hair, nails and glowing skin. While being great for the outward appearance, Garlic is also a great probiotic. So ladies! pay very close attention to this post.

Yeas infections plague most women and for some of us, they'll plague us regardless how clean we are. As a type 2 diabetic I came to that realization the hard way. At the on set of a yeast infection I immediately started googling home remedies, just to help the irritation subside until I could get a monistat kit. One clove of garlic help alleviate some of the irritation and lessen the yeast that had already started to develop. How is this possible you ask? Well here is your answer. Put one clove of FRESH garlic into your vagina. The higher the dosage the easier it is to get rid of the infection all together. Remove the outer peel of the clove and put three or four slits in the clove. After doing this, slide the clove into your vagina (Yes ladies, directly into your vagina.) It is best to do this before you lay down to go to sleep. Remove the clove when you wake up and the yeast infection should be gone. If your yeast infection is more advanced, repeat this for two to three nights. If your yeast infection does not clear up, then get a Monistat kit (the 7 day kits are best.) In my experience the garlic helps so its a must try for the ladies.

Many people love garlic but they HATE the fact that it comes through your pores. Trust me, I know your pain. Alot of people think that because garlic is so smelly that it tastes terrible. Raw garlic may taste disgusting, but roasted garlic potatoes sounds and tastes amazing! There are so many things you can do with Garlic. Roasted garlic is wonderful when it is lightly spread over sliced and toasted french baguettes. Making a compound butter with Roasted or Minced garlic, parsley, and pine nuts gives the taste of pesto to any bread. Not so much into fancy breads? Do you love pasta? When making your pasta sauces, instead of using 10 different kinds of salt (Yes my dears, seasonings are nothing more then salt with a different color and label)  use all natural ingredients! Parsley or rosemary, thyme and GARLIC can turn an ordinary sauce into an extraordinary sauce. Utilize garlic as much as you can.

Garlic for your HEALTH AND BEAUTY
There are lots of herbs, fruits, vegetables, proteins and even fats (the healthy ones) that can keep you looking forever healthy. The specific one that I want to talk about is GARLIC. Many people that eat garlic have healthier skin, hair and nails. Once again I want to remind you, garlic may smell bad but its EXTREMELY good for you. So add more garlic to your food and see what happens. Shinier hair, longer stronger nails, and a healthy glow. Look at Rachel Raye. Rachel Raye eats garlic everyday and it shows in how healthy her hair and skin are. This doesn't just apply to women, it applies to men as well.

On the flipside, there are plenty of cons when it comes to using fresh garlic in everyday life, but the Pros out weigh the cons. Making you're food taste amazing, giving you a healthy all around healthy glow and fighting off a yeast infection are just some of the simple things that garlic can do. Take advantage of the homeopathic uses  of this wonder herb. Who knows you may actually start seeing a major difference.

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