Monday, July 16, 2012

Weakness In Numbers: BGC's New "Rat Pack"

So most of you have already gotten into BGC9... While there are 3 very strong and dominant personalities, 3 very weak personalities and 1 very dumb but very sweet girl who just wants to party. Today we're here to do a run down on #TeamClassy (The Weak Bitches)
And Here We Go!!!

Meghan! I see you like to attack bitches before they have a chance to get a word in edge wise!!! You are weak but you're not the WEAKEST (I'll save that for last). Not only do you LOVE to talk about people you have bonded with a female that you were JUST saying was a walking fashion fail! You dogged poor Ashely when she did nothing but be nice to you and then you have a nerve to ask "Why does everybody talk about me behind my back?" Bitch please don't do it. Not to mention that "$700 weave" is looking real ratchet next to those nappy edges and those Drake eyebrows. I don't get it! You have so much money, you claim to have "Obama on speed dial", you could afford a new nose, new tits and a new ass... but you couldn't pay to groom thos eyebrows? Bitch get your life.

Falen you proved to be weak when you decided to talk about Christian being and I quote "Fake" and you didn't even take the time to get to know her. You base your opinion off the opinions of your weak ass BBF's which makes you weak for not having a mind of your own. The same female that called you a fashion TRAGEDY, the same female that said your "swagg" was nothing more then dressing in the dark, the same girl that turns on you for defending Rima... Thats who you let sway your opinion of a female you didn't know or talk to. P.S. that trying to get cute on episode 2 when you put your hand in Christina's face? You should have got that face pounded and you're lucky shes not that psychotic because the right bitch would have taken your head off.

Oh sugar lumps I saved the weakest for last... JULIE!!! You are the WEAKEST link. Not only did you try to hate Christina from the moment you laid eyes on her... you LITERALLY looked for reasons to dislike her and when you couldn't find a reason you made a reason "shes fake"... You didn't even sit down to get to know her before you decided to get annoyed. You wanted to get famous for beefing with somebody... Too bad it backfired and the same girl you swore up and down you were going to pound like an African drum, tapped that ass twice and walked away without even a scratch while you walked away with a bloodied nose. You are weaker then anybody else in the house for claiming to be so hard body when you wouldn't rock a baby to sleep. Atleast Meghan backs her shit up... You were hitting yourself while Christina was pounding on you. By the way??? You being Armenian does NOT make you cute. You look like Gonzo with no make up... Now Get Your Life Bitch!


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