Thursday, August 25, 2011

@LilTuneChi Releases "How To Love" Video

TUNECHI YOU BASTARD YOU ALMOST MADE ME CRY!!! This video is what hip-hop deserves... FINALLY! Not bad bitches and fast cars... but the story of how One decision can break a cycle and bring about a change. One decision turned this little girl into a fatherless child with no man in her life to teach her how a man is suppose to treat a woman. Without that direct contact with real love this young girl turned down the wrong road and turned to stripping and prostitution in order to make ends meet and feel beautiful. She contracted HIV because of it. Had her mother Walked away, put her in a better situation and took the time to find a man that truly loved her and her daughter she would have been more inclined to look for more in life and in a man. Whether people believe it or not, having a father means more then you think for some girls. Some of us grow up with strong mothers who can tell a fuck nigga when they see one (SHOUT OUT TO MY MAMA!!!!) so we don't have to go through the bullshit and the heartache. Some women grew up with a mother who couldn't teach YOU about love because nobody ever taught HER about love, making it hard to see the difference between lust and love. Thanks for showing us both sides of things Wayne. We needed that.

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