Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Narcissist Paradise: The Story Of Beyaki and Her Folding Fetus

I know what is about to happen. I'm going to get tweets out the ass saying "oh my god! It was just the dress!" but lets be completely honest... the dress was not that loose. The situation we have here is that of a Narcissist who clearly thinks the world is THAT stupid. Beyaki may very well be pregnant BUT if she is not this is a very sick and twisted way to get attention. Many of her fans have asked why she would lie about something so serious, well in the mind of a narcissist YOU (the stans) are too stupid to realize its all a hoax and you are going to continue to spend money on her music. Due to her now lack luster career (and NO her album has not gon platinum in the U.S. and this IS her biggest market), the fact that she has been caught stealing other peoples material from over seas, and announcing her pregnancy when she is such a "PRIVATE" person it is safe to say that something just isn't right. Beyaki has done more interviews in the past month about this pregnancy then she ever has about her relationship with her husband. If you're too busy focused on her pregnancy it'll take attention away from her flopping album. How many interviews did Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Hudson, Mariah Carey and Alicia Keys do while they were pregnant? Hell Fantasia came out about her pregnancy 2 months ago and she STILL hasn't really said anything about her pregnancy because with an announcement like that comes the paparazzi and with paparazzi comes stress which in turn affects the baby. Some of you are angry that us bloggers for speaking the truth but if Beyaki was really that concerned about a healthy happy baby she wouldn't have subjected herself to all the drama and stress that comes along with publicly announcing you're pregnant. Even if she wanted to put aside her Narcissistic ways and admit she is wearing a prosthetic baby bump she couldn't. This whole story has taken a life of its own and the way me and the rest of the blog world see it, this whole pregnancy has taken a turn for the worse. now YOU can be mad about it, You can go ahead and leave a comment (Use your twitter to log in wit disqus) but until I see a baby with Beyaki's eyes and Jay-Z's lips... I'm not buying it. If that baby bump is real... I got a bridge to sell for the low if you're trying to buy it.

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