Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Love & Hip Hop: Is It Worth It?

This season of Love and Hip Hop has come to a close and it's a really fucked up thing when eight women have grown to hate each other so much that they couldn't stomach being in the same room together. So I must ask, is the check REALLY more important then building a bond with women who are in one way or another in the same boat as you? Lets get started with the break-down.

Olivia V.S. Chrissy

Lets get ONE thing straight... Olivia did NOTHING wrong for Chrissy to pretty much dog walk her. Olivia did what all friends do, she played the middle but didn't talk about one in front of the other. Instead she said they were BOTH being childish. Chrissy is almost forty-three years old, Yandy is in her later twenties (maybe early thirties)... What grown woman starts something over something minor? Now when Yandy did that dance and gave her that book any mature person would have calmly said "Yandy, there is alot about this situation that you're just not up on. I know you're trying to help with the book and I know you were just having fun in the club that night, but I need YOU to understand that it bothered me and I'd really like an apology." Chrissy took one statement and made six problems out of ONE. Olivia is good friends with Yandy so why should Olivia have to be wrong for saying "I'm not choosing sides in this bullshit"? Olivia you may not be my favorite person in the world due to your constant hating on Somaya but you aren't a BAD PERSON or a BAD FRIEND. You're a good person and you're clearly a good friend. Chrissy has tried for two seasons to control who you're friends with, whose side you should choose. Its good to see you have a back bone.

Kimbella V.S. Chrissy

This was the very FIRST beef of the season and we'll never forget it. The issue that I think alot of people had is with the fact that Chrissy didn't let Emily speak for herself. Instead of letting Emily the weakling speak for herself Chrissy decided to be the classless hoodrat she was, is and will always be. I want to go ahead and reiterate that Chrissy is FORTY-THREE YEARS OLD. Not twenty-one, not eighteen... FORTY-THREE!!! What grown woman fights someone over something like that. Kimbella made it clear in episode one that she had no intention of hurting Emily any further, BUT if she was going to be running in the same circle with this woman she should know that she slept with him so she didn't find out from somewhere else. Granite she did it in the wrong PLACE she wasn't WRONG for wanting to be honest. Chrissy decided to beef with this girl for half a season and then wanted to be "Cordial" with her. Kimbella apologized for six episodes BEFORE Chrissy decided to let it go... but its CHRISSY'S fault that they had beef. USE YOUR WORDS CHRISSY, AND DO IT LIKE THE LADY YOU CLAIM TO BE.

Kimbella V.S. Erica

When you are 5'6 120 pounds, it's probably not the best idea to start beef with somebody that is alot thicker then you. Now, we all realize that Erica came on the show simply to start drama so she could get a permanent spot and that is very clear to us, but Erica's beef with Kim is completely random. So clearly this one will be shorter then the others. Erica was dead wrong, and she just screwed up her own "Career".

Chrissy V.S. Yandy

Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy... Why does most of the beef on this show revolve around you? You have the most drama that I have ever seen and to make matters worse YOU start the issues!!! You're like the Jackie Christi of this show. If you don't stop making everything such a big deal you're going to get booted off the island. Now I will agree that Yandy may have over-stepped her bounds, but with that being said, If she over stepped her bounds its because YOU AND JIM ALLOWED IT! You can't get mad at her for wanting to help you and Nancy get along for Jim's sake, as a FRIEND you should have taken that in stride and thanked her for wanting to help. If it offended you YOU should have been woman enough to say right then and there "Yandy I know you're trying to help, and I appreciate you for it, but maybe you should just play it safe and not get involved." Instead you had JIM call her and address it. Yandy may have spoken out of line with her email, but if she did its because JIM ALLOWED IT! Chrissy you are delusional if you honestly think that Yandy is at fault. No darling it is YOUR fault for not speaking up right then in a mature enough manner. Instead you want to fight people when you could have just SAID what the problem was. You are a kept bitch who hides behind a whack rapper with a black card. Now, Chrissy made a statement that Yandy traded in her managerial hat for reality t.v. That may be true, but JUST because Yandy isn't managing Jim doesn't mean shes not managing SOMEONE. Unlike you, Yandy has more then a reality t.v. check and a man thats providing FOR her. Hows that installment plan going for you?

Somaya Steers Clear

You know, its funny. First season Somaya was "The bad guy" and the fans hated her. This season, people have warmed up to her. It may be because Somaya stayed away from the drama. Somaya was too busy letting go of dead weight and getting money to get involved with the bullshit. I can honestly take off my hate to this lovely Salvadorian boss lady. She showed people that her grind was more important to her then ratings. Mona Scott showed every ounce of drama that she possibly could and Somaya wasn't having it. Now on the reality check Somaya slipped up and called Mona a "Bitch". Mona got offended, but in her heart, Somaya had a reason to call it like she felt it. Somaya was cut out of alot of the show and alot of people wanted to know why. Mona wanted her to beef of the drama while we the people wanted to see the grind and hustle that Somaya is so well known for. While Chrissy was sucker punching, Olivia was struggling trying to open up, Emily was still crying over Fab, Kimbella was being hated for no reason, and Yandy was beefing over bullshit Somaya was writing, performing, recording and working with well known producers and artists. So why not show that? Because beef gets views and when there are lots of views ratings go through the roof. I salute you Somaya. You stood your ground and thats a beautiful thing.

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