Friday, June 22, 2012

Teen Sex: When Is It Too Late To Take Precautions?

Every now and then I see something that sparks my interest and I just have to talk about it. Today's subject is Teens and Birth Control. Earlier this week Kris Jenner, mother of the Kardashian clan, came under fire after Kim admitted that her loving mother put her on birth control at 15. The question to you parents is when is the best time to put your children on birth control? Some would say "its cruel to put a child on birth control", but in today's times children are reaching puberty at 9 and having full blown sexual intercourse by 11. NOT having that talk even if they aren't saying aloud that their ready can lead to responsibilities that someone that age is NOT ready for. Parents, let your children be open with you when they are ready so you can help them avoid a world of responsibility that they aren't ready for yet. I am a firm believer that as SOON as your period comes on you need to know about your body and how it works. Parents forget that with a period comes grown up urges, EXPLAIN THEM TO YOUR DAUGHTERS! You do NOT want some Mister Mister explaining it to them and leaving them with a baby or worse an STD they can't get rid of. Sometimes just talking to your child helps more then spazzing out when they say they want to have sex. Hell I'm 22 and it took my mom 12 years to give me the talk and by the time she did it I was engaged and working on a baby. Parents OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND HEARTS to your blossoming young girls before they turn 25 and realize they have 5 kids and haven't even graduated from high school.

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