Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Seiko The Hater: The Truth Behind The Read

Oh I revile in being called a hater, but I do want to set some things straight so here I am. I want to send BIG shout outs to Jamar84 of YouTube for allowing that read on his page. Now as far as how the read was handled? I admit I do sound a BIT like a hater and in some ways? I do have a bias for the other people on the show. Joseline, Benzino, Stevie J, Joseline, K. Michelle and even Che Mack came on to the show and showed THEMSELVES and that lovelies is why they didn't get read for filth. Traci is more so an opportunist than anything. Rasheeda is really embarrassing herself and her family for a CHECK and MiMi is trying to play like she has so much class. Yes the show is scripted, but there is a big difference in a scripted show and people ACTIVELY faking their life to make money. That my dears is what pisses me off the most so here we go:

MiMi's Sketchy Past
The tea on MiMi WAS spilled first season, but a lot of people didn't want to believe it. A lot of you wanted to believe that MiMi was a victim. All I heard was "They were together for 15 years how could he treat her that way!!!" Now the issue is that MiMi's past isn't just SKETCHY... In fact it is more stained than Joseline's. Had MiMi stepped up and OWNED who she was? It wouldn't be coming out now. Joseline on the other hand OWNS who she is and makes no apologies for it. From the molly popping to knocking off half the "haves" in Atlanta, New York and L.A.? MiMi who are you to judge ANYONE? Oh thats right, a former video heaux with a pension for fucking romantically involved and even MARRIED celebrities. 

Rasheeda & Kirk's Big Heist
Yes people I called it a heist because whether you want to believe it or not their "storyline" set the stage for them to get MORE camera time and MORE money. Now word on the curb is that Kirk and Rasheeda are actually a lot more broke then they make themselves appear, and the fault lies with Rasheeda's failing music career. Spending Thousands and Thousands of dollars on low budget music videos and photoshoots for albums and singles that AREN'T selling. Is Rasheeda a BEAUTIFUL woman? Yes, especially for her age. Lets just be real here, Rasheeda is so busy spending money on something that ISN'T working that she is running through money that they should be SAVING. The Remedy? Amp up the drama on the show for more screen time. It was that or get replaced again. Do I hate Rasheeda? No! I do however hate it when people PRETEND to go through it when there are people out here who really ARE going through it. 

Traci Steele The Opportunist
Traci IS in fact an opportunist. Traci was dating a man who refused to go on the show with her so she asked the father of her child to do the show. Traci Steele is ALL ABOUT A PAYCHECK and that's fine... Just don't try to make us feel stupid. We know you and Drew are still fucking around... No need to convince us that you're not. 

Now! As far as Karli is concerned... I don't think anybody likes her.

Welp That's pretty much it people. Not a hater just someone whose sick of the fraudulence. 

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