Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ain't Nobody Got Time: @TheRealTBOZ is NOT Here for @NICKIMINAJ on American Idol

Yes GOD! T-Boz? You did that baby! For those of you who do not know T-Boz recently did an interview (Good to see shes looking healthy) and had this to say about Nicki Minaj being a judge on American Idol
I don’t respect half [of] the people I’ve seen lately. How the hell is she gon’ tell me what I should be doing when her azz can’t even sing. Why is she there? And then…now they’ve got rappers that don’t even sing judging? So, this is totally based off of popularity I guess. I mean, to each their own. Get your money, honey. All I’m saying is, I will never watch [your] shows again. - Necole Bitchie
T-BOZ!!! Thank you thank you... THANK YOU!!! I've been saying this for a while and I'll say it again. There were plenty of LEGENDS who were willing to do the Job. Hell, Aunt Retha practically BEGGED for the position... and you choose NICKI? Honestly people Rebecca Black would have been a step up from Nicki. Now alot of the "Barbz" are going to say "Well NICKI CAN SING TOO YOU FAT BITCH"... Nicki has NO RANGE, she has no type of VOCAL CONTROL without the assistance of Auto-Tune, and lets be honest... If we were to put Nicki's vocals up against a REAL SINGER like Aunt Patti, Aunt Retha, Aunt Mariah... Hell Ester damn Dean... She'd be put to shame. T-Boz, you spoke the honest to God truth and like you a majority of America won't be watching that bullshit either.

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