Monday, September 3, 2012

That Pedestal: Give @ChrisBrown A Break

Alright, enough is enough! Now ya'll know I'm a blogger so I always check out the other blogs and read the comments that people leave. Lately people have been saying "Chris Brown looks so sick I hope hes okay" and "That nigga look strung out! Where are his friends?!" And in recent weeks I can admit that Chris has been looking like he needs a home cooked meal (Chris you better tell Krispychickenfreshlettucethreecheesesranchdressingwrappedupinatastyflourtortilla to learn how to cook!) But did any of you ever stop to think that MAYBE the stress of being put on a pedestal is making him lose all this weight? Enough is now enough. All you bloggers and readers have YET to realize what putting people on a pedestal does to them! We put Britney on a pedestal, She grew up in front of our eyes and instead of letting her make mistakes we went all in!!! A Year later she'd lost BOTH of her children, Shaved her head and been in and out of rehab 4 times already. We put Whitney on a pedestal, By the time any of us realized that nasty coke habit had come back to rear its ugly head, Whitney was divorced, back in rehab and losing the voice that made her the stand out star she was. 3 years after her comeback, She died. All those years of drug use, trying to cope with the stress of being put on this bright pink glittered pedestal BROKE HER. Now you're doing it to Chris Brown. He came into this game when he was 13 (Whose Girl is That & Yamaha Mama) and grew up right before our eyes. He made ONE mistake that cost him everything. He paid his dues and the person he wronged forgave him, but for some reason he can't live it down. People continue to ask him about it when he doesn't want to and then you nit pick and call him "Childish" when he was VISIBLY aggravated on stage, but waited til he wasn't around cameras to flip out and throw chairs. He tells a paparazzi "Dude thats gay" and hes a homophobe. He lip-syncs at the Billboard Awards and even THAT gave you cause to hate him. Now you want to say he looks sick? LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE! HOW MANY MORE EXAMPLES DO YOU NEED TO SEE THAT THESE PEDESTALS ARE HURTING PEOPLE!? BRITNEY, WHITNEY, BREEZY, RIH RIH, MILEY, DEMI, CHRISTINA... DO I NEED TO FUCKING CONTINUE!? Maybe if you treated them like NORMAL people who don't have status they wouldn't spin out of control. Think about the next time you decide to comment on a blog about Chris "Mo Bitches" Brown (Aye that nigga get ALL the hoes and I ain't even mad)

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