Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dried Up Bubblegum: @Rasheeda Take A STADIUM of Seats

Excuse me Ms. Buckner... I'm here to let you know that WE'RE NOT HERE FOR YOUR TACTICS TO GET ON... OR THAT LACKLUSTER CAREER. Now I tried to hold my tongue about Rasheeda's comments toward K. Michelle, but I can't hold it back anymore. As if I didn't like you before I REALLY don't like you now. First you come on the show as a 43 year old rapper (You've been doing it since 1990 give it up) and Now you want to defend someone elses house hold but can't defend your own. Rasheeda nobody is paying for that doggy chew toy you call an album. Take your molded bubble gum and that joke you call a career elsewhere. Maybe you should try being a model for Sears or maybe Macy's.

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